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Keep Your Immune System Strong This Winter with Our Imunade

As the weather changes, we are reminded that a strong body is a healthy body. There are many ways to maintain good health; healthy diet, exercise, 8 hours of daily sleep, and proper stress management.


When keeping a healthy diet, there are many different herbs that you can incorporate to help you maintain a healthy body. At Rebel Herbs, we have designed a convenient, organic, encapsulated herbal formula to help with just that! There are many different rock-star herbs in our Imunade capsules. Each herb plays an intricate and vital role in supporting a healthy immune system.


Turmeric is a bright, golden-orange root that has been used medicinally in India, for thousands of years. It contains many vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, and fiber. It is often used in savory dishes, however, it comes in many forms for many uses; an herbal supplement, hair masks, skin masks, an additive to smoothies, and much more!


Ashwagandha (also known as Indian Ginseng or Indian Winter Cherry) is regarded as an adaptogen in Ayurveda. Adaptogens are a class of herbs that are considered regulators for your body - especially when your body is under stress! It contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, carotene, iron, and calcium. Ashwagandha can be added to milk or ghee in recipes but is most commonly used in Moon Milk- an Ayurvedic drink to maintain normal and healthy resting patterns.


Amla, also commonly known as Indian Gooseberry, is one of the most important plants in Ayurveda. It is mainly grown in India and some countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. It has an incredibly high vitamin C content (20 times more than an orange), vitamin A content, and is full of fiber. It also contains minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, carotene, and phosphorus. The fruit can be pickled, made into sour candy, extracted for tea, or used as a spice. It is most commonly used in powdered or oil form to ingest or used as an ingredient for skin or hair masks.


Ginger has been used as both a culinary spice and an ingredient in holistic medicine for thousands of years. Originating from the Southeast Asian Islands, it was one of the first spices to be traded on the Silk Road. Today, India is the largest producer of ginger worldwide. Ginger contains a plethora of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. With its peppery taste, ginger can be used in a wide variety of dishes, such as curries, candies, soups, juices, and cocktails.


Neem trees are known in India as "the village pharmacy" because their benefits are so versatile. Neem is an evergreen tree native to India. Almost all of its parts are commonly used in Ayurvedic practices. It has many health benefits, as it contains vitamin E, carotene, calcium, vitamin C, and more. We use neem oil in our Jointade massage oil, and neem leaf for our Imunade, Complexion+, and more.


With these versatile, powerful, and rebellious herbs included in our Imunade capsule, you can easily incorporate more nutrients into your supplement and herbal regimen.




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