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Herbs we Use

Holistic Ayurvedic herbs for balance, wellness, and natural healing.

Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)

Ajwain oil contains the highest amount of thymol among all spices. Ajwain is a type of caraway fruit (mistakenly called a seed). Thymol preparations are often used to help maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica)

Alma is considered sacred in India. This tree's fruit has been used throughout history to promote better health. The health benefits of Amla, can be in part attributed to its high vitamin-C content. Amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart and lungs, urinary tract, skin and hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, strengthens eyes, improves muscle tone and, acts as an antioxidant.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

The Sanskrit translation of Ashwagandha is “the smell of a horse,” which, thankfully, is not literal. The term is meant to indicate that the herb will give one the vigor and strength of a stallion. The use of Ashwagandha dates all the way back to 6000 BC. The roots of the plant are traditionally dried and ground into a powder, which is how you’ll still find it today. It was typically mixed with water in a tea, with ghee (clarified butter), or with honey. A more modern option is to add it to a smoothie. Indian ginseng” has become a pseudonym for Ashwagandha because of its rejuvenating properties. However, Ashwagandha is actually part of the nightshade family and is more closely related to the tomato. Taking this herb was customary after an illness to improve the immune system. Additionally, Ashwagandha is also used to enhance sexual potency for both men and women.

Bael Fruit (Aegle marmelos)

It is a spinous deciduous and aromatic tree with long, strong and axillary spines. This tree grows up to 18 m in height and thickness of tree is about 3-4 ft. leaves are 3-5 foliate, leaflets are ovate and have a typical aroma. Flowers are greenish white in color and sweet scented. Fruits are large, woody, grayish yellow, 8-15 celled and have sweet gummy orange colored pulp. Seeds are compressed, oblong and numerous found in aromatic pulp. Bael is sacred in the Hindu faith and is used to honor of the deity Shiva. Bael's trifoliate leaves are displayed on Shiva’s crown and trident. It is also noted that the three-pronged leaves also represent the holy trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Bindii (Tribulus Terrestris)

Tribulus terrestris is known as Gokshura or "cow's hoof". Perhaps this is because the small thorns get stuck on various grazing animals. Tribulus Terrestris, also called puncture vine, is a plant that few have heard of. Despite this, it is used in many parts of the world to treat various medical conditions. The plant that gives us this herb is native to parts of tropical Europe, Asia, Australia and also the tropical areas of Africa. Although there has been little research as to how the herb interacts with the human body, its use over hundreds of years has proven one thing: that it helps increase production of testosterone.

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

Black pepper is rumored to have been discovered up the inside of Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses II’s nose in 1213 BC Egyptians used black pepper in the embalming process. Black pepper is one of the most widely used among spices and is valued for its distinct biting quality attributed to its most abundant alkaloid, piperine. Piperine is a naturally occurring major bio-active compound of black pepper (Piper nigrum Linn). Piperine (1-peperoyl piperidine), has been previously evaluated for its potential to enhance the serum levels nutrients in animals and humans.

Ceylon leadwort (Plumbago Zeylanica)

A paste of powdered Ceylon leadwort root sap has been used for tattooing by different tribes in eastern Africa.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)

Cinnamon was used in ancient Egypt as a drink flavoring, a medicine, and also as an embalming agent.

Coconut (Cocos nucifera)

In countries like Thailand and Malaysia, there are trained pig-tailed macaques that harvest coconuts. Each year competitions are held to find the quickest harvester from local training schools these primates have attended.

False Black Pepper (Embelia Ribes)

Embelia Ribes is commonly known as False black pepper because the dry seeds of the plant look like black pepper balls.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used Fennel as decoration for their hair, swords, and their horseback attire. This symbolized longevity and was thought to repel spirits.

Five-leaved chastetree (Vitex Negundo)

It is a beautiful tree that is a Japanese tourist attraction during the autumn inside the National Parks of Japan. Vitex negundo, commonly known as the Chinese chaste tree, five-leaved chaste tree, or horseshoe vitex, is a large aromatic shrub. It is widely used in folk medicine, particularly in South and Southeast Asia.

Flax seed (Linum usitatissimum)

Linens were once made from flax. Linens like these are found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. Flax is rich in essential oils and is a nutritional powerhouse.

Frankincense (Boswellia serrata)

Historically, the Hebrew bible mentions that Jesus is given frankincense as a precious gift from three wise men. It has been used for thousands of years as a precious medicine and as an incense for rituals.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is not actually a root, it’s a rhizome (an underground plant stem which is able to produce a new plant). It is used for nausea, and pain as well as being a catalyst herb that helps the body use other compounds.

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

Gotu kola has a long history in the traditional medicines of India, Indonesia, Madagascar, China, and Sri Lanka.

Heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora Cordifolia)

In ancient myths, this plant is thought to give qualities of immortality to those who consumed it. It has a powerful impact in the body and is especially beneficial for maintaining healthy immune responses.

Himalayan Salt

Alexander the Great discovered the salt reserves at Khewra. Sick horses were found licking the stones, this salt is said to have lead to their recovery. Also, Roman soldiers were actually paid with salt, because salt was more important for life than gold was.

Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Tulsi (Holy Basil) is celebrated with a five-day festival each mid-October. This ritual, called the 'Tulsi Vivaha' begins the annual marriage season in India. It has been shown to help maintain a normal healthy level of cortisol when used regularly.

Intellect plant (Celastrus Paniculatus)

Celastrus P. is a cousin to the tree in the US known as bittersweet. Celastrus has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years to maintain a healthy and normal level of focus and attention. It is known as the tree of intelligence and has been used for cognitive health for more than 40 centuries.

Kurchi Bark (Holarrhena Antidysenterica)

Hindu mythology states that the Kurchi tree sprouted from a drop of nectar, a drink that was thought to give immortality. This nectar is thought have fallen from the bodies of the Indian Prince Rama’s monkeys, which were restored to life by the Hindu god Indra. This tree grows in India in altitudes of 4,000 feet and can be found in the sub-Himalayan tract.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)

Licorice Root is one of those herbs that has been around since ancient times. It was found King Tut's tomb. It is thought that King Tut wanted to take the root with him on his journey to the next world so that he could make Mai sus (a sweet drink) when he got there.

Madder (Rubia Cordifolia)

Rubia cordifolia, often known as common madder or Indian madder, is a species of flowering plant in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. It has been cultivated for a red pigment derived from roots. Madder is one of the oldest forms of dye. It's told that Madder was used in dye by the Egyptians, Persians, and Indians.It has been used medicinally for 1000's of years. It is commonly known in Ayurvedic Sanskrit as Manjistha (or Manjista) and is recommended for a normal urine flow, kidney health, and a healthy inflammation response.

Myrobalan (Chebulic Myrobalan)

Myrobalan is used in a variety of manners. The hardwood is used in cabinet work. The fragrant juice of the Myrobalan, when dried, is used in Indian temple worship as an incense. The tree is regarded sacred. India Ink is the product of the bark and leaves. The leaves, bark, and fruit yield a dye, a rich black. It is often recommended to help maintain a healthy memory.

Myrrh (Commiphora Mukul)

It is said that Myrrh was one of the precious gifts given to the biblical Jesus when he was born. It is a resin from a tree that was often burned and the smoke inhaled by those needing healing.

Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Neem is also known as ‘ Arista in Sanskrit, meaning ‘perfect, complete and imperishable’. Neem also holds spiritual meaning. People rumored that a few drops of heavenly nectar fell upon it. It was also believed that the goddess of smallpox, Sithala, lived inside of the neem tree. Neem is known as the village pharmacy, because of the variety of uses and benefits that you can get from its leaves, bark and the oil from its nut.

Nut Grass (Cyperus Rotundus)

Cosmopolitan weed, is found in all tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. In India, it is commonly known as Nagarmotha and it belongs to the family Cyperacea. The major chemical components of this herb are essential oils, flavonoids, terpenoids, sesquiterpenes, cyprotene, cyperene, aselinene, rotundene, valencene, cyperol, gurjunene, trans-calamenene, cadalene, cyperotundone, mustakone, isocyperol, acyperone, etc. Research studies have shown that it possesses various pharmacological activities. It is commonly used for relaxation in Ayurveda.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

The name peppermint comes from Greek mythology in the form of a love triangle. The story states that Hades seduced the nymph, Minthe. Then, his wife, Persephone, became jealous and turned Minthe into a plant that people would walk on. Outraged by his wife, Hades infused the plant with peppermint, so whenever the plant was crushed, it would release a wonderful smell. He hoped this would help people remember Minthe's beauty.

Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

The name "pomegranate" derives from the Middle French "pomme garnete" - literally "seeded apple." It is also sometimes referred to as a Chinese apple. Many scholars believe that the forbidden - yet irresistible - fruit in which Eve indulged within the Garden of Eden was actually a pomegranate (and not an apple). Tradition holds that a pomegranate has 613 seeds to represent the 613 commandments in the Torah. The design of the pomegranate was woven into the high priest’s robes and the Temple’s pillars. Pomegranate juice’s concentration of antioxidants and ability to impact oxidative stress make it a potential libido enhancer.

Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa)

Boerhaavia Diffusa is a flowering plant that is commonly known as punarnava which means rejuvenating or renewing the body. The other common names of the plant are tarvine, spreading hogweed and red spiderling. Look at the meaning of the word Purnarnava, we get two halves. “Punar” stands for once again and “nava” stands for new. Making yourself becoming new is the specialty of this traditional herb.

Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

Geranium is often used in perfumes, soaps, cosmetics, and creams. Geranium is also used as an insect repellent and flavoring ingredient in food, alcoholic and soft drinks.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary's name comes from the Latin word rosmarinus, meaning “mist of the sea” or “dew of the sea”. The Ancients were well acquainted with the shrub, which had a reputation for strengthening the memory. On this account it became the emblem of fidelity for lovers. It holds a special position among herbs from the symbolism attached to it. Not only was it used at weddings, but also at funerals, for decking churches and banqueting halls at festivals, as incense in religious ceremonies, and in magical spells.

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum)

Safed Musli is a medicinal plant, with small, usually white flowers, produced on sparse panicles up to 120 cm long. In some species of the plant, the panicle also bears plantlets, which take root on touching the ground. Since times immemorial, the tuber root and rhizome of the plant have been used for ailments and infections. Because of the white color of the roots and its value it is often referred to as 'White Gold'. Its use as an effective aphrodisiac agent has opened up channels for its commercial cultivation in a number of regions around the world. Its unparalleled therapeutic and medicinal properties have made it a key ingredient in the preparation of a number of Ayuvedic formulations. It is also gaining increased importance as a health tonic, which boosts the general immune system of the body. Due to its diverse medicinal benefits, the plant has been recognized as the sixth most important herb by the Medicinal Plants Board, to be preserved and protected.

Saffron (Crocus Sativus)

The history of saffron cultivation and usage reaches back more than 3,000 years. Saffron has remained among the world's most costly substances throughout history. Saffron has been used as a seasoning, fragrance, dye, and medicine. Saffron is native to Southwest Asia.

Sesame (Sesamum indicum)

In India, sesame seeds are included within sacred rituals, as a symbol of immortality. During funerals, Indians bring containers of sesame to help the dead in their passing. Sesame oil is also burned as sacred offerings.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari is often called "one possessing 100 husbands", presumably because of its large number of roots as well as its influence on sexual health. However, our formulator says this translation is wrong and that it means "she with 100's of roots" the 'she' is simply a feminine form of the word and not necessarily referring to women. This cousin of asparagus is a fantastic adaptogen and can be used by both men and women to help both before and after exercise. It is also known to be a good food for moms who are breastfeeding.

Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum)

It was first known to have been discovered after watching giant white monkeys migrating through steep rocky cliffs to consume the gummy black mineral substance during the warmer seasons. These monkeys were virile-looking and shilajit was considered to be the main life-strengthening dietary ingredient. Since then, it has been traditionally consumed with fermented raw milk in parts of North India, Pakistan and Nepal and often used in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is a mineral-rich superfood, with amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and over 85 minerals in natural ionic form. The mineral content is primarily found in two plant-based constituents called humic and fulvic acids.

Sweet Orange (Citrus aurantium)

The Ancient Romans say that citrus fruit were first brought to Italy by Herperides, the daughter of Atlas, who came over the Mediterranean Sea from Africa in a large shell.

Turmeric (curcuma longa)

Turmeric is one of the most widely researched medicinal herbs on the planet. It has a broad variety of medicinal activities and is a key component in many of the healthiest cultural diets in the world. It is undoubtedly one of the most basic food additives in history and is essential for the progression of health in developing countries and an emerging superstar in the Western hemisphere. The Hindu religion sees turmeric as sacred. On one's wedding day, it is a tradition to take a string, dyed yellow with turmeric paste, have the groom tie this around the bride's neck. This necklace (mangala sutra), symbolizes that the woman is married and capable of running a household.

Valerian (Valeriana wallichii)

Valeriana wallichii is a rhizome herb of the genus Valeriana and the family Valerianaceae also called Indian Valerian or Tagar-Ganthoda, not to be confused with Ganthoda or the Long Pepper. It is an herb useful in Ayurvedic medicine. In ancient Rome a juju bag containing a sprig of valerian may be kept near one's person to attract or fix a desired lover, although this practice seems to be more effective for women (as tradition goes) than it is for men.

Velvet Bean (Mucuna Pruriens)

In Central America, mucuna beans have been roasted and ground to make a coffee substitute. In Ayurveda, the seeds of mucuna pruriens are revered as one of the best reproductive tonics for men and women alike. Mucuna pruriens is an aphrodisiac, bolstering healthy sexual energy and libido.

Waterhyssop (Bacopa Monnieri)

Waterhyssop (bacopa monnieri) is a host plant for butterflies such as the white peacock (anartia jatrophae). People who start using bacopa for the first time report having more dreams and more vivid memory of those dreams.

Wintergreen (Gaultheria Fragrantissima)

During the American Revolution, people used wintergreen leaves as a substitute for tea leaves, because tea was scarce to come by. The volatile oil of Indian wintergreen leaves contains methyl salicylate, which possesses stimulant, carminative and antiseptic properties.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)

The name ylang ylang originates from the Philippine ‘alang-ilang’, meaning ‘ ‘flower of flowers’ It is sometimes known as the ’cheap man’s jasmine’ or ‘Crown of the East’ or ‘Perfume Tree’.

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